First at the finish line for EMF Protection

We take pride and would love to be the first at the finish line for EMF Protection. But first, you ask do we really need protection? As you and I are aware almost everything we are surrounded by is some source of EMF. But, are we to be worried or concerned about just how much we are exposed to or not? With that, is the million dollar question everyone wants to know? Some of the experts are concerned about the effects and dangers of EMF exposure and say that we should be aware and take some steps to help protect us from the radiation exposer. Others don’t seem to think that it is a danger. So, again, what do we do? Protect or not protect?

emf protection

What would you do when it comes to your health? Would you want to protect yourself or not? As we all know, that prevention is a better way than a cure. So, the only way we can achieve that is to look more closely at what EMF really is and how to defend and protect us and our family from the exposer the best we can.

How do we make EMF Protection the first at the finish line?

We all know how the government works and how much they spend on research, right? Well, do we all tend to believe what they are saying or do we explore more into the source and make our own decision? Well, I don’t know about you but I tend to do a little research and see what emf is all about and then decide for myself if I really need to protect myself from EMF? So, I don’t want to discourage anyone from making a decision that they will regret the rest of your lives. Go and do some research and see what you think. If you want the EMF Protection then come on in and take a look at what we have to offer you and help make shopping for EMF Protection a little more easier.

If we take a look back in the 70’s and 80’s we didn’t have quite as much electronics as we do now. But we still had some and we never even thought about exposure to radiation. So, with the world and technology changing and getting bigger we are now exposed to a lot of radiation. But just how much is the million dollar question and do we need to protect ourselves from it?

Be first at the finish line and bring EMF Protection to your home

first at the finish line and bring EMF Protection to your home

Do you really know what EMF is and what things are causing it? I bet half of you don’t have a clue or really don’t care as it is part of life and we need the technology to get around. Am I right? Well, do you realize that most of the population either carry a cell phone, a laptop or other from of electronic device. With that, do you realize how much damage that it might be causing to your health? Well, do we know how much or what type we are exposed to? They say, that cell phones, laptops etc. varies according to the frequency of the wave. So, the longer waves produce less radiation as they operate at a lower frequency.

Some examples of low frequency waves include; radio waves, microwaves and infrared waves. Furthermore, artificial EMF waves that are produced from mobile devices are Extremely Low Frequency radiation, as well as Radio Frequency (RF) radiation. With that, we have a byproduct from these admissions called heat radiation. Furthermore, if you only knew just how much we are exposed to it would blow your mind. With that, I could go on and on and bore you to death. But, You need to see for yourself and learn what it is all about. I will help with that all right here. Be the first at the finish line and EMF Protection.

Be in the groove and learn about being the first at the finish line in EMF Protection

Ok, so we all know that we are surrounded by radiation (EMF) both inside and out. But, do you know what the side effects are if you are exposed to too much radiation? Well, the research studies are showing that there is yet to be determined any accuracy to the exposer. But, Here are symptoms that some studies have suggested:

harmful effects of emf
Harmful Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation On Humans symptoms
  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety
  • nausea
  • skin burning and tingling

So, the actions you take to protect yourself will depend on you. Learn what steps to take, get educated with what EMF is all about. The Best protection you can give yourself is the knowledge to learn and react and protect your and your family.

Protection From EMF & Being first at the finish line

I’m going to help give you a little free information and feed back on a few tips and the difference between high and low frequencies. With that, I would love to give you some tips and items that can help protect you and your family.

First, Low- to mid-frequency EMFs

First, these devices can range from microwaves, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners to televisions and more. Computer monitors are part of that but only when turned on. So, to help limit the amount of exposures here are a few tips;

  • Don’t sit or linger near appliances. 
  • Put your phone down. Especially when you aren’t using the phone, place it away from you. At night when you sleep, put it in another room.
  • Use the speaker function or earbuds with your phone. 
  • Don’t carry your phone in a pocket.
  • Unplug occasionally from electronic devices and electricity.

Second; High-frequency EMFs

With this one, it can be the most dangerous form of EMF exposure and can damage the DNA and cells. Some examples are X-Rays, Imaging machines, and UV rays that come from a tanning booth. Here are a few tips to help reduce the exposure;

  • Limit X-rays. Only receive X-rays that are medically necessary.
  • Limit your time in the sun. You need some sun for your health, just not too much. Also, avoid sun during the middle of the day when the rays are strongest.
  • Limit time in tanning beds. If you must have that quick summer tan, just limit your time under the lights.
Be first at the finish line Protection from EMF

So, with that, the best approach is to be aware of your surrounding and exposure to EMF and protect yourself the best you can. If you would like a few ideas and items to help with that fell free to come on in and look around and see what we have to offer. Prevention is the best results to helping your family. Be the first at the finish line in protecting your family.

Make EMF Protection part of your health

So, as we finish off I think that we have a choice to make, and that is to think of your health, especially when you are sick. When you are sick it is your body’s way of shouting out to you and listen to what it is trying to tell you. Yes, caring for your health is important and should be done on a daily basis to help prevent yourself from becoming even more sick. With that, you are helping yourself recover when a problem does happen. Ask yourself, what is your health worth and how important is it to protect yourself from EMF? Make it the first at the finish line.

Hey guys, the best thing you can do is some research for yourself and your family’s sake and educate your family, especially the kids. With that, teach them to be aware of how harmful there cell phone can be if used all the time. Make them aware and be more responsible for there health and well being. We have several beautiful pieces of Jewelry made for EMF Protection, just saying holidays are coming. Want something special for the girls, it would make a great gift idea for the girls in the family.

Endless possibilities for EMF Protection

Gold oval shapped necklace pendant

Come on in and take a look around. We have items for the whole family and even for your vehicles. The best part, is the beautiful Jewelry. There are some pretty unique items here guys, so what are you waiting for. We want the best for our families and there health and well being, so don’t pass up an opportunity to protect them now. God bless you and your families and thank you for taking the time to listen and look around.

“Awareness is a key ingredient in success. If you have it, teach it, if you lack it, seek it.” – Michael Kitson